R: March 2005 WWP topic: ecology
Fiore Cappone 2005-Jan-08 11:21:00
On [DATE], "[NAME]" <[ADDRESS]> wrote:
> On Thursday, January 6, 2005, at 07:59 PM, Willy Kaemena wrote:
>> Hi
>> that I think is a brilliant idea, We are able to capture the existing
>> problems of this world in a form which will be able to make it clear
>> and "feelable" to the visitors of the site all over the world. We
>> could go to places where many people are not going and make them aware
>> in a very realistic form.
>> Willy
>> On Jan 6, 2005, at 18:53, Caroling wrote:
>>> I'm hoping there is another WWP on the horizon in March.
>>> I'm still waiting to hear some reviews of our wonderful Sanctuary
>>> project. The Press
>>> Release gave me a taste of the diversity, views of quality and nature
>>> of what we did.
>>> I'm thinking of doing my own review - equal but different. It would
>>> be nice to get
>>> some world wide recognition of the value.
>>> In any case, today this announcement sparked my interest:
>>> "A top New Zealand researcher is using a prestigious award ceremony
>>> in Christchurch
>>> to warn that humans face extinction by the end of the century."
>>> I began to wonder if our world wide vision could be focused on a
>>> topic like "Ecology -
>>> is our world at risk?". I could imagine people finding instances of
>>> problems, solutions,
>>> and let's make hay while the sun shines.? I would personally welcome
>>> the challenge to
>>> find a way to photograph local ecological choices, whether good, bad,
>>> or both. At
>>> least it would be a relevant topic and might get interest in world
>>> wide media.
>>> To me, the fact that we are cooperating in spite of local differences
>>> makes us special.?????????????????
>>> ????????????
>>> Professor Peter Barrett
> Plenty of ambiental problems here in my country, difficult to
> visualize, but plenty of them.
> What causes me more negative impact is the kind of low quality
> architecture people are using in villages of the interior country, in
> contrast with all kind of excess in our capital. To much differences.
> The part of the country that has more potential, is being lost for the
> non existent-planning or mediocre planning.
> Landscape invaded by caotic housing, caotic rock extraction etc, and
> now the Aero-towers fever, as if there was no energetic alternatives.
> I have photographed in VR a complete village at Alentejo
Let us see your work, please give us the url
that is now
> under the waters of Guadiana river (Aldeia da Luz) after Alqueva dam
> construction.
Fiore Cappone ? VRPlace 360?
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