Re: When is the solstice?
Landis 2004-May-29 16:38:00
> Don: I think that the gathering at the Rujum Site for the solstice
>will be on June 21-22, which means the main gathering will be sunrise
>on June 22. Is this the actual solstice or is it the morning of the
>21st? If it is the morn of the 22nd, can i get an extension to shoot
In the United States the "official" time keeper and authority on all
things time- and astronomy-related is the United States Naval
Observatory. I've posted the link to the "official" solstice/equinox
times in the link section of our group, but here it is for reference:
For 2004 the solstice is on 21 June at 00:57 UT (12:57 am Universal
Time). You can either know your time zone (US Pacific Daylight Time
is UT-7) or you can use a utility like http://timeanddate.com to find
the exact time all over the world (I've done this for our solstice
and you can follow this link for the page listing it in many cities
world wide: http://tinyurl.com/2d8m6).
For Jerusalem the exact moment of the solstice is at 03:57 local on
Monday 21 June. For me here in California it's at 17:57 local on
Sunday 20 June. Don and I decided to open it up to Saturday, Sunday,
and Monday to get as much coverage of the weekend as possible and to
give people a better chance to get the weather or event they'd like.
Hope this helps clarify things.