Re: Famous bridge
Loren Price 2004-Aug-12 20:15:00
At 12:41 PM -0700 8/12/04, G. Donald Bain wrote:
>Excellent. Conflict centering on bridges, almost a theme in itself.
>I would love to do the new Oakland half of the Bay Bridge (which is
>well along in construction) but the only way to approach it is by boat.
I would check-in with CalTrans 1st to make sure you don't get
harassed and to get clearance. You might even be able to get their
help on it with your position.
>BTW, Northern Californians helped pay to rebuild dozens of freeway
>bridges after the Northridge quake. But just in case I own the domain
>SplitCalifornia.org (and com).
See what I mean about the debate ;-)
FWIW; I'm in SoCal and I have no problem helping to pay for the Bay Bridge.