RE: Quick Time
Bostjan Burger 2004-Aug-25 10:41:00
I have used the www.nedstatbasic.net and a trial version of fastcounter [ http://www.microsoft.com/smallbusiness/products/online/fs/detail.mspx ] just to check hits not realy other diagnostic. I am otherwise very sceptical to such 'counters' but it is quite practical to see the trend of the number ob visitors...
I had recommended the instalation of QT to educational institutions (mostly schools) here some years ago and the resoult of LO presence was surely inaccurate....
I find out that the main problem was with the instalation to PCs when the Win Media Player hijacked the QTVR and the display was blank... the solution for non techincal (home) user is not easy... very nice explanation can be found at: http://www.virtualguidebooks.com/Info/Help.html
geoffrey morelle <#removed#> wrote:
It?s possible to send me a copy of your script to detect presence of
QuickTime player.
I want to create a statistic table of my visitor?
<mailto:#removed#> Geoffrey Morelle
Visites Virtuelles interactives
T?l. 0870.27.36.39 - Prix d'un appel local.
De : Bostjan Burger [mailto:#removed#]
Envoy? : mercredi 25 ao?t 2004 08:58
? : #removed#
Objet : Quick Time
I have checked the QT (instaled plug-in) presence in computers in
Slovenia with two different diagnostic program of visitors. The
resoult was almost identical...: I was surprised that only 3.3 % had
instaled QT. The sampling was made on a population od 1000 in a
period of one (1) day. I hope that the diagnostic software was not
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