Re: WWP Performing Arts - Written Permissions - Photo Releases
Bostjan Burger 2009-Aug-31 08:04:00
And then the future of taking VRs in public would be as:?http://www.burger.si/DOGODKI/2009_PiranStarodobniki/01_b.html ?
Imagine as example CNN news the same way...
:) Bostjan
--- On Sun, 8/30/09, texas360dave <#removed#> wrote:
From: texas360dave <#removed#>
Subject: WWP Performing Arts - Written Permissions - Photo Releases
To: #removed#
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 4:36 PM
We have talked about this before at length, but I think we should we should be aware of when taking photo's of people, crowds, candid imaging and professional performances, security sensitive areas like bridges, government sites and buildings can and do create unpleasent issues.
Might need written/verbal named person authority, permission, model releases, for Photo's taken on/of:
private property
government sites and buildings where performances are given,
privately owned performance halls or buildings
professional performers
candid street performers
For some reason, "Tripods" are a mark of a professional photographer who is taking photos to make money. Could be that Private owners want their fair share of your earnings as a FEE for property access.
Imaging taken in public areas of crowds (no disguishing faces)are reasonably safe.
It could be because most of the WWP's imaging are of Places and Things where no special permission is usually required to take photo's. In the area of performing arts where people are visible the photography scene takes on different complex issues.
I am reminded of the time when we were takings panoramas at a popular resort in Mexico - "That fellow next to the lady, might not be her husband" AND they would not like to see their photo on the Internet ! Its a privacy issue.
I am not a lawyer! Some of these issues are real and just make common sense
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