Re: WWP Performing Arts - Written Permissions - Photo Releases
Luciano 2009-Aug-31 14:58:00
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:19 AM, Pat Swovelin <#removed#>wrote:
> I've had the access denied on some occasions before, only because of the
> tripod.
> funny.
>> Offer to collapse them and use them as a monopod. It's worked more than
>> once. If that doesn't work then whip out your trusty Philopod (that
>> every panorama photographer should have in his gear bag) and use that.
>> If that doesn't work then shoot handheld.
>>Don't take "No" for an answer or you'll never get the shot you want.
Sometimes I had to explain the purpose of the images, and could make the
But the interesting thing is that the presence of the tripod even collapsed
awakens a fuss "WTF this guy are doing here?".
I learn how to avoid this, just ask/explain before and shooting after -
getting a press ID badge.
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