Re: My WWP submission - Q: what about the colors?
Hans Nyberg 2004-Jun-26 19:21:00
on 26/06/04 18:46, Andrew #removed# wrote:
> Perhaps your CubicConverter is bugged. I have checked all tiles with
> proffesional JPEG explorer tool and it says: 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 80% (5 tiles
> with nearly "Best" compression and 1 tile with nearly "High" according to your
> prefered four steps quality system). Guess CubicConverter simply confused
> because of different tiles compression used.
No sorry Andrew but this is the same with all panos created with PanoCube.
Your high compression is detected as Low.
Obviosly there is something wrong with your definitions for the compression
I have made a test. Downloaded Panocube and made a movie with the same
compression from exactly same file. Original panorama 3000x1500
1. Panocube compression setting 75. Size 476 kb
<http://www.qtvr.dk/jpg/jelling2_Panocube_75.mov >
2. CubicConverter compression setting 75. Size 988 kb
3. CubicConverter compression setting 46. Size 472 kb
<http://www.qtvr.dk/jpg/Jelling2_CubicConv_46.mov >
Panocube setting 75 is the same as 46 on Mac. This explains why Cubic
Converter detects it as low .
Everyting between 25 and 50 is defined as Low.
I begin to understand why I get very confusing sizes from Windows users.
Hans Nyberg
commercial photographer
hans nyberg fotografi
hasselvej 6 DK-8550 ryomgaard denmark
<http://www.virtualdenmark.dk>Denmark in QTVR Panoramas
<http://www.panoramas.dk> Panoramas.dk - Features Fullscreen QTVR
email: #removed#
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