Re: Sustenance - what does it mean?
Serge Maandag (yahoo) 2007-Sep-04 21:42:00
> sustenance
> I would translate it to Swedish as "hållbarhet", as in "a
> sustainable agriculture" - "ett hållbart jordbruk". But "hållbarhet"
> is more like "durability" if you would translate it directly. So I
> have problems with the concept of sustenance.
Answers.com to the rescue:
Something, especially food, that sustains life or health.
Means of livelihood.
Definition: necessities for existence
IN BRIEF: n. - The act of maintaining life by food or providing a means of living; A
source of materials to nourish the body; The financial means whereby one lives.
Translated by answers.com as:
Svenska (Swedish)
n. - näring, uppehälle, levebröd, utkomst, stöd, styrka