Re: Sustenance - what does it mean?
Bjørn K Nilssen 2007-Sep-04 21:31:00
On 4 Sep 2007 at 20:28, Jakob Norstedt-Moberg wrote:
> I understand the original, historical, etymological meaning of the
> word but I can't get this food or life meaning into my head. But I
> am basically a technician and that defines my vocabulary.
> I would translate it to Swedish as "h?llbarhet", as in "a
> sustainable agriculture" - "ett h?llbart jordbruk". But "h?llbarhet"
> is more like "durability" if you would translate it directly. So I
> have problems with the concept of sustenance.
> Those of you with other native languages, how would you translate it
> into your mother tongue? Maybe that would help me to grab the
> concept.
I would translate sustainable development to "b?rekraftig utvikling" in Norwegian, which
is the way it is officially translated. AFAIK that phrase was used in the first UN
environment/climate/ecological report back in the 80s?
Sustainable development would mean something that could keep on going forever, because it
is based on renewable resources?
Sustenance OTOH have a much wager meaning to me - which may be good?
Bj?rn K Nilssen - http://bknilssen.no - panoramas and 3D