Re: Marketplace - A World Wide Panorama
Caroling 2005-Jan-24 20:53:00
Oops, must clear up misunderstanding. I declare your essay
is marvelous. It makes good reading. I have read it several
times and emailed it to local friends to help me get "ideas".
I included the last paragraph of your essay after my post
to indicate that was the best one, the take-off point for me.
Since you wrote so broadly of the topic, I expect each one
of us will find a point that sticks. Variety is the spice of life,
so they say.Also I don't expect every theme will please
everyone easily or equally. But adversity stimulates invention
and expansion of consciousness. That's a good thing.
--- In #removed#, G. Donald Bain <#removed#> wrote:
> Caroling,
> Naturally I am disappointed that you did not find inspiration in my
> essay.