stitch-a-thon of sorts...
Bo 2004-Jun-15 22:14:00
May I recomend the Sugar Plum, they have great snacks and T-Mobile
from the Starbucks next door. (smile)
Unfortunately I will be gone taking glider lessons on Sunday so I
have to miss out on the greatest stitch-a-thon in LA history.
(Off Topic) BTW. did you see my cocpit interior with background by
Philo, his kite pano TOTALLY ROCKS.! bophoto.com/panos
> We should have a Sunday stitch-a-thon of sorts... anyone else in
> participating? If you're not celebrating father's day - I'm not
(and I
> have a feeling Bo isn't) - then we oughta find a place to squat
> review (plus a good excuse to drink lots of coffee and hang).
> Hmmm, since the project runs through Monday, maybe Sunday we could
> to hit up some LA sites (if you get the out of town stuff done
> Saturday)...
> Damn weather, we need a nice Santa Ana about now, been hazy since
> May.
> -R