Re: The September 2010 WWP event ...
Caroling Geary 2010-Sep-24 03:05:00
Was this ever answered. Is the deadline Sept. 26th. The website says
The preparation server will be open for contributions and editing
during and for a few days after the shooting period. The prep server
says I have 10 days and about 4 hours to go. Since it is Sept 23 and
10 p.m. CDT, I guess the deadline is about 1 a.m. Oct. 4. ? That
gives me plenty of time. Is it true?
On Sep 1, 2010, at 9:46 AM, texas360dave wrote:
> And the upload server activity calendar window is when ?
> --- In #removed#, "prague" <360cities@...> wrote:
>> You forgot one of the most important parts -
>> it's where one blues guitarist sold his soul to the devil - at a
>> crossroads... :-)
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd60nI4sa9A
>> this song is from 1937 or so... this guy influenced all future
>> music in a very significant way.... from the 2 photos of him that
>> exist, it seems he had unusually huge hands... when you listen to
>> his songs, it might sound like 2 guitar players because he's that
>> good... all because of what happened once at a crossroads....
>> --- In #removed#, Pat Swovelin <panoramas@> wrote:
>>> ... theme is "Crossroads". The open shooting period begins at
>>> 00:01
>>> on Saturday September 18th and ends at 24:00 on Sunday September
>>> 26th.
>>> Those times are relative to the time zone the panorama is shot
>>> in. This
>>> gives you 9 full days to shoot your interpretation of "crossroads".
>>> According to Dictionary.com crossroads are:
>>> cross?road [kraws-rohd, kros-]
>>> --noun
>>> 1. a road that crosses another road, or one that runs
>>> transversely to
>>> main roads.
>>> 2. a by-road.
>>> 3. Often, crossroads. ( used with a singular or plural verb )
>>> a. the place where roads intersect.
>>> b. a point at which a vital decision must be made.
>>> c. a main center of activity.
>>> Origin:
>>> 1710--20; cross- + road
>>> I'm sure you get the idea, it's a place where roads, well, cross.
>>> Crossroads have existed for as long as there have been creatures
>>> anywhere in the Universe. So I'm sure you'll find something
>>> that's both
>>> representative of where you are at the time and your personal
>>> experiences with roads that cross.
>>> There are *serious* bonus points for a pano that has Robert Johnson,
>>> Eric Clapton, Tommy Johnson and a chicken all on different
>>> corners from
>>> one another at the aforementioned crossroads.
>>> Pat Swovelin
>>> World Wide Panorama Event Coordinator
>>> Get out there and shoot some panoramas!
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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> The World-Wide Panorama
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Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net