Re: New Photoshop business model = Cloud and Pay by month
Pawlowski Hubert 2013-May-10 18:24:00
What's a pity that Adobe has no real competitors!
Le 10/05/13 18:26, Rick Drew a ?crit :
> I can see Adobe's point - over 50% of the Adobe software out there is
> pirated. We all know several people that use it. BUT - What if I decide to
> stop paying the monthly fee? Now any file I created with Photoshop is
> essentially being held ransom. As much as I like Adobe products, I am not
> paying them a fee to keep my files editable. I'll stick with CS6.
> From: #removed# <mailto:wwp%40yahoogroups.com>
> [mailto:#removed# <mailto:wwp%40yahoogroups.com>] On Behalf
> Of Keith
> Martin
> Sent: 2013-05-10 10:19 AM
> To: #removed# <mailto:wwp%40yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: New Photoshop business model = Cloud and Pay by
> month
> On 10 May 2013, at 15:42, "texas360dave" <#removed#
> <mailto:texas360%40swbell.net>
> <mailto:texas360%40swbell.net> > wrote:
> > We can't afford this new business method - as most of our effort is
> related.
> I am *very* interested to hear everyone's feelings on this.
> As I asked on Twitter a few days ago:
> "Should software be a tool that you buy and use forever, or a club
> membership that you keep paying for?"
> And as the editor of a major tech magazine replied,
> "There's going to come a point when subscription fatigue sets in. Adobe
> could be the straw that busted the camel."
> What's also interesting is that online designers increasingly say they
> don't
> need Adobe applications.
> This move by Adobe is designed to force everyone to use the pay-monthly
> pricing model, thereby fixing the massive financial famine-feast problem
> that was set up with Creative Suite was first introduced. But it looks
> like
> it will also loosen the company's grip on the pro-level creative software
> tools market.
> k
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