Re: stories, please
Bernhard Vogl 2004-Sep-22 23:31:00
As it looks at the moment, i will submit my worst stitch i have ever
done. The story:
As a first option i was hiking in the mountains this weekend. I searched
one of these old, abandomed bridges which were used for foresting
purposes long ago. I found one (very challenging with extreme
contrasts), stitched the panorama and wasn't very content with it.
So, today i visited a small 'swimming' brigde in Vienna. The first
autumn wind blew and i began to shoot a panorama just in the last
minutes of right light, 45 minutes before Equinox. I intended to shoot
handheld as mostly, but i didn't expect a couple coming along the
bridge. They tried to hide away from my lens but they didn't have luck,
as i shot in the direction they were walking.
It ended up in a big laugh of them and me. We talked a little and they
revealed themselved as being tourists from Russia visiting Vienna.
After the little talk, i tried to finish the panorama. Unfortunately the
sun was gone and i had lost the point where the first images were made...
I *really* want to use this panorama, because it not only shows a
physical bridge but also the mental one, of Eastern and Western Europe
continuously growing together since the fall of the "iron curtain"...
Best regards