Re: Playing around with GPS-coordinates...
Peter Nyfeler 2004-Sep-27 18:16:00
Hi Bernhard
Really cool .... for me as a GPS dummie
Thank you for sharing this. But where is my name...... or is Switzerland
to small for 3 panograhers? ;-)
Bernhard Vogl schrieb:
> Because of pure curiosity i have transferred the WWP Locations to
> Garmin's "Mapsource" Software.
> European Locations without Coordinates have been inserted as "best
> guess" and markes as a circle instead of a square.
> ..if you are interested, take a look at
> http://bernie.x-net.at/wwp904
> You can downlaod the .gdb-File there and look at a screenshot of Europe.
> Best regards
> Bernhard