Another introduction
Bjørn K Nilssen 2006-Mar-22 08:02:00
I'm also new here, 53 years old (or was that young? ;) from Kristiansand,
Norway, and I just posted my first wwp-pano - Four borders.
I mainly work in 3D, where I have made several virtual exhibitions and other
projects where heavily hotspotted panoramas has been a major part.
Recently I have started to take a lot of 360x180 panoramas, partly for dun, but
also to extend my bag-of-tools, and to combine them with 3D for interactive
I use an Olympus C-5060WZ with the 0.7 wide angle lens which gives me a 35mm
eqv focal length of 18mm, and yesterday I also bought a C-7070WZ which can use
the same lens. I will also probably buy a Raynox DCR-CF185PRO one of these
So far I have been using a monopod with no panohead, and I usually take 2 rows
x 6 shots with the camera at landscape position, + zenith and nadir.I usually
end up up with from 15 to 20 images for a full pano.
I have been using Stitcher for years (now at v4), but am now using mainly PTgui
and Hugin, and Enblend and Smartblend.
-- #removed# // Bj?rn K?re Nilssen http://bknilssen.no/
Kristiansand, Norway