Re: The NEXT World Wide Panorama
Roger Howard 2005-Jan-24 00:44:00
On Jan 23, 2005, at 4:34 PM, tflyfish2002 wrote:
> I hope your not to serious about Walmart? There are some very good
> things about the USA, but walmart is not one of them.
> I've got my thinking cap on here in Redding Northern Cal and I have a
> brilliant idea, well brilliant to me anyway....
Hahahaha no, I certainly didn't mean to imply a love for Walmart - I've
only stepped foot into one twice, and I'm not eager to revisit that
experience! It was actually a minor jab at WalMart - there was a story
recently about a dispute in Mexico over the placement of a new Walmart,
right next to ancient ruins. But hey, depending on where you live,
Walmart might be the ONLY market you have - though good luck
photographing in, or even near, a Walmart!