Re: To the Members of the World Wide Panorama Project
Yuval Levy 2008-May-21 22:52:00
this is extremely confusing. I have not seen any such mail on the
mailing list, nor any attachment.
Me too, I assert my copyright and find it unacceptable that it is
assumed by default that permission is granted. It is not.
In principle I am positively inclined, and would even go as far as
printing out a PDF and using snail mail. However, before granting the
request, I would like to:
- have the whole information properly, and not by indirect way or by way
of spam mailing
- ask a few questions, like:
-- will the exhibition be freely accessible to the general public, or
will visitor have to pay a ticket?
-- will the panorama display software be released as free software, or
will the general public not have free access to the software?
-- how will the context look like? do you have images / videos /
panoramas to show of the exhibit's concept as it stands now?
There are similar installations here in Montreal, Canada, at the
<http://www.sat.qc.ca> - here are some panoramas taken inside one of the
installations: <http://www.photopla.net/070507sat/> the Cyclorama
software was OpenSourced AFAIK.
Uri Cogan wrote:
> #removed# wrote:
>> 1. I would like to participate
>> 2. I don't want to have to print and mail a form. Make it online.
>> 3. I object to your stating that if I do nothing I lose my right. That is not legal in the US. You can not use my work unless I say so.
>> 4. This has to be discussed on the World Wide Panorama email group first, before you do anything.
> Dear Caroling,
> I believe you object to article 5 in the 0002.pdf that was attached to
> the letter from ZKM, stating:
> "Please be informed that we assume your consent, if we do not receive
> any comment from your side".
> Yes - I too find this unacceptable, and as you say, possibly illegal, so
> I'm requesting clarification from Ms. Kaiser
> Your point in asking for on-line authorization is well taken, but
> believing the project has merit, and trying to make compassionate
> allowance for the possibility of some underlying bureaucratic mind-set
> at work here, I went ahead anyway, gave my consent and sent in the form.
> Regards, Uri.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> ------
> The World-Wide Panorama
> For more information:
> -Visit the web site at http://GeoImages.Berkeley.edu/wwp.htmlYahoo! Groups Links