Re: Creative Commons (was Re: Do these views looks the same????)
Yuval Levy 2008-May-28 21:49:00
Dear Fernando,
I notice that in the heat of the debate I forgot these questions of
yours, sorry. Here are my (late) replies.
Fernando Costa Pinto wrote:
> But maybe we need to consider that music is rather different than
> interactive panoramas .
from a licensing perspective it is not that different.
<http://creativecommons.org/> applies to all creative work, and it is
the artist who decides if he wants to license his works under CC.
> In the other hand the rights from Commons Creative is extensible to
> Brazil for example ?Is it in the Brazilian Laws ?
yes: <http://creativecommons.org/international/br/>
> And in the whole other countries ?
there is a localization effort that is pretty much advanced with 45
jurisdictions implemented and more to come:
> Let me share one thing with you ..the place where I am writing is
> visited every 5 to 10 minutes by Collibris ...they stop for to have a
> drink ... one foot above my monitor ...its amazing ...
> I trained them to come closer and closer ;-)
the winter here in Qu?bec is very long, but colibris arrive in the
summer. My father in-law has a whole installation with honey for them,
and I have trained myself to take a picture of them, but I am still not
good enough :-)
thank you for sharing!