Re: Going Dark?
Serge Maandag (yahoo) 2007-Mar-19 12:29:00
> There are very few serious sites on the web where larger amounts of
> text are displayed on dark background. There is a reason for this - it
> is more difficult to read and the readers will go away sooner.
I think a lot of photography sites have a dark background, e.g. take
luminous landscape or dpreview.
> It would be a big mistake to change this since the text is an
> important part of the Worldwidepanorama, isn't it?
It would be nice if it was, but a lot of the entries come without text. I
think even the majority has none.
Apart from that, I spend more time looking at the panorama and not at the
text. Light text on a dark background also does not hinder me at all.
Perhaps it has something to do with the brightness setting of the monitor?