Re: some research - New Letters from them
Willy Kaemena 2008-May-27 05:40:00
I guess everybody has got from Mrs Kaiser the new formulated Letters
in behalf of Mr. Lintermann, which was sent out yesterday.
I include the text here dated May 26, 2008
Dear Members of the World Wide Panorama Project,
at first I would like to thank you very much for your time dealing
with our request and for your replies, your comments, suggestions and
for voicing your concerns.
As requested by some of you who wrote to us, we would herewith like to
withdraw the phrase saying that we assume your consent, if we do not
receive any comments from your side. We would like to thank you for
alerting us to the fact that many members of the World Wide Panorama-
Project might not agree with this paragraph.
Attached to this mail, please find the document that was changed
accordingly. We?d be happy if those of you who might under these
circumstances be willing to give us their consent would send us the
agreement form by e-mail or by fax.
We?d also like to state again that, of course, the crediting of the
individual authors of the panoramas goes without saying and is of
paramount importance to us.
For the sake of good order, please note that we have not received
monies or entrance fees for the Globorama Project so far. When it was
presented to the public, it was free of charge. As described before,
ZKM is a public institution. The financing of the project was ensured
by the Information Technology Funding program of the federal state of
Baden-Wuerttemberg. This is a non-commercial project the purpose of
which is purely scientific. The goal of Globorama within that context
is to present the objective of the research activities in an intuitive
way and to attract people to the possibilities of large-scale
projection systems and to the possibilities and fascination of VR-
Since it is already a sensation to travel around the world using a
novel panoramic image transformation for satellite data, it makes it
even more attractive for visitors to enjoy the beauty of surround
photography and visit distant locations in a panoramic environment.
ZKM understood that this was one of the purposes and a concern of
World Wide Panorama Members and we are more than happy about every
author who gives his permission to use his images and to contribute to
Once again, thank you very much for your time and your feedback,
Bernd Lintermann
Head of the ZKM | Institute for Visual Media
the second attachment was a scanned document which can be seen here: <http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/Lintermann26052008.pdf
Make up your mind...
What I am missing is a clear excuse of their unrightful doing so far.
( if this is excusable )
Willy Kaemena
On May 27, 2008, at 6:48, yuval_levy wrote:
> I could not sleep and did some further research.
> Heise is a respected technology publishing house in Germany.
> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/foren/S-Zentrum-fuer-Kunst-und-Medientech...
> already in September 2007 somebody mentinoed the copyright breach as a
> comment to their quick report:
> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/foren/S-Hae-Wie-Was/forum-124520/msg-1358...
> The German version of National Geographic mentions Globorama:
> http://www.nationalgeographic.de/php/magazin/redaktion/2007/10/redaktion...
> <http://www.zukunft-technik-entdecken.de/media/ideenpark2008/luft_a_he_1.htm
> >
> is what Willy went to see
> and at least one of the involved persons has a company that uses this
> for promotional material, i.e. commercial purposes:
> <http://www.audio-consulting.de/projects/comp/comp2/dataphonic-Globorama.pdf
> >
> <http://www.inka-magazin.de/wissen/artikel/globorama.html> - they
> claim over 2000 immersive locations, which more or less correspond to
> WWP up until 2006, doesn't it?
> and it seems that they had the budget to pay a PR agency:
> <http://www.lifepr.de/pressemeldungen/zkm-zentrum-fuer-kunst-und-medientechnologie-karlsruhe/boxid-17418.html
> >
> if you find further information, post it here, please.
> Yuv
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]