Re: WWP Flash Player hard stop
Aldo Hoeben 2010-Dec-22 10:43:00
> Spi-V was the first pano player to implement deceleration and when Aldo
> presented it during the Stuttgart panorama meeting all participants
> preferred it compared to a real hard stop like PTViewer did it. The hard
> stop hurts.
Thanks for the props...
I actually had a couple of students perform a user-study, and they did
find that "naive users" (ie: people who had never seen panoramas
before; this way pre-streetview) did not notice any difference with or
without deceleration, until the deceleration was turned off. After first
experiencing the decelerated version, and then seeing the hard stop
version, and without being told the difference between the two, most
respondents said the former version was "somehow smoother", though they
could not tell exactly what was the difference between the two variants.
Some guessed the FPS was lower on the hard-stop version, whereas in fact
the deceleration was the only factor that was changed. One respondent,
after being told the difference and switching back and forth between the
two variants a couple of times, said he could feel the difference in his
About the eye-movement, and the extreme acceleration/decleration our
eyes can make... The physical aspects of our eyes are only part of the
equation. There's a lot more to how we perceive than just muscle
strength. My approach is to not try too much to make an exact model of
the human physique, but instead to be inspired by physical phenomena and
make something that "feels good".