Re: My "work in progress" from Chicago ...
Andrew 2004-Mar-27 16:21:00
You have a lot of space to make it smaller and sharper ;-)
First I need to note the known fact - if QuickTime player founds that there are not enough RAM to decompress a movie it shrinks it. With my old notebook equiped with 128 MB of RAM your movie looks realy not sharp enough. I just checked the images it contains they are OK - very detailed. So 128 MB is not enough to prview your movie without quality degradations. QuickTime player works in this way.
I could sugest you the next:
1. For full screens is more than enough 3000x6000 panoramas. I just seen a few fullscreens of well known panomakers - they don't use larger sizes on the web. Scale down your panorama in PhotoShop from 3600x7200 to 3000x7200 pixels using bicubic interpolator (-30% in file size);
2. Compress top and bottom tiles with quality 1 ( -100 KB ) and other with 65.
I believe your movie could be around 1 MB in size while preserving a good quality.
=Andrew Jakowleff