Re: Gardens, a few that I have noticed.
Keith Martin 2006-Jul-11 08:23:00
> > ALL photography is art so by extension panoramic photography is also an
> > expression of that same art.
>Huh? do photos of spare parts for an engine qualify as "art"? Is all
>painting "art"? does that include house painting?
One simple and fairly effective way to define art is that it is
something which is intended to be art. This can be the intention from
the start or it can be something that's decided somewhere down the
road. A holiday snapshot is not automatically art, and nor is a
technical photograph of an engine part. But present it as art and it
can then *be* art. Just ask Marcel Duchamp.
Yes, this does lead to things which some call art and others find
boring or distasteful. But remember, just because something is
(declared to be) art doesn't mean (a) that you should like it or (b)
that it is even actually any good!
It is (b) in particular that artists - would-be and established -
must remember.
And it is (a) that we should all remember when we feel the urge to
declare some work of art as being rubbish because we don't like it.
(Although it is perfectly possible that we don't like it because it
*is* rubbish! :-)