Re: Gardens, a few that I have noticed.
Keith Martin 2006-Jul-13 08:15:00
Sometime around 13/7/06 (at 04:00 +0000) tflyfish2002 said:
>As Simon Cowell might say, "The Garden Pano's are all great, but.....
>I find most of them really boring".
Heh. Simon Cowell would probably have left off the first part, too.
Many of the Garden panos *are* great, but he's not known for holding
back! ;-)
I took one of a public garden by the Thames in London and one in my
own garden, but I chose my own garden in the end. (And I've delivered
a non-spinning version so it shouldn't cause problems any more! :-)
>Maybe the next theme might be "My Home"
If we don't have to do a hallucination theme that sounds like fun.