Re: Sustenance - on line.
Keith Martin 2007-Oct-08 16:24:00
Sometime around 8/10/07 (at 08:26 -0700) Landis said:
>Wow - too open, too closed. Can't win 'em all. :)
Actually, I meant that perhaps a less inherently
re-interpretable title would be better. Use a
relatively basic theme title (as in Water,
Garden, etc.) and leave it to the participants to
come up with creative interpretations of the
easily-understood word.
>'Sustenance' can be
>interpreted fairly broadly but apparently has translations that are
>more narrow. 'Water' was fairly basic and allowed people quite a bit
>of creativity - was this too open?
'Sustenance' isn't as linguistically basic as
'water', and the variety of different
explanations led quickly to the sm?rg?sbord of
interpretations. It was a very interesting
process, but it did seem to move rather quickly
away from being useful into a language game in
its own right!
Perhaps simple nouns are generally better? ;-)
>Our next themed event will be in March
Drat! I'll make some suggestions, but the event
might come in just a tiny bit late for students;
the Spring term ends on the week of March 10th
2008. In that case I might do a mini WWP-style
thing with them.