Re: Sustenance - on line.
Landis 2007-Oct-08 15:26:00
>An excellent collection of images.
>Although I did do a shoot I didn't contribute this time around. I
>have to admit that it was largely because the theme became so open
>that it seemed essentially intangible. To stretch the point, you
>could say that it didn't 'sustain' my interest. When a word can be
>interpreted in so many disparate ways it can lose its strength, and
>things based on it can lose some or even all sense of being part of
>the same event.
>Conversely, having a strong yet not too proscriptive word can lead to
>a theme that is gently tangible throughout the range of entries, no
>matter how diverse their subjects or treatment.
Wow - too open, too closed. Can't win 'em all. :)
I agree that I generally prefer the more narrow themes. That way
creatively 'breaking the rules' is more fun and challenging (my
thoughts exactly Bernhard). Themes like 'World Heritage' seemed a
bit too narrow for many of our participants. 'Sustenance' can be
interpreted fairly broadly but apparently has translations that are
more narrow. 'Water' was fairly basic and allowed people quite a bit
of creativity - was this too open?
We have need for themes that are open to subjects around the world,
experiencing different types of weather, open to different skill
sets. For example, not everyone will find a crowd scene as fun to
photograph or have access to a lush waterfall.
If you have suggestions for future themes, please look through and
add to our database:
Our next themed event will be in March and we've yet to decide on the
perfect theme that will keep everyone spinning...