Re: Sustenance - on line.
Rodolpho Pajuaba 2007-Oct-08 13:46:00
Keith, it seems you had said what I wanted to, but couldn?t find the
right words. This is the second event I didn?t contribute, but the first
that I didn?t for the very same reasons you said.It would be very easy
to me to shoot *anything* and justify later (I used to be an advertising
writer, so I can justify just about anything ;-) ), so I prefered to
wait for the next one. And I?m not putting a weight on the organizer?s
shoulder, I don?t think it?s their faults, it?s just that it became too
open because of so many people?s minds with so many answers for the theme.
Rodolpho Pajuaba
Keith Martin escreveu:
> An excellent collection of images.
> Although I did do a shoot I didn't contribute this time around. I
> have to admit that it was largely because the theme became so open
> that it seemed essentially intangible. To stretch the point, you
> could say that it didn't 'sustain' my interest. When a word can be
> interpreted in so many disparate ways it can lose its strength, and
> things based on it can lose some or even all sense of being part of
> the same event.
> Conversely, having a strong yet not too proscriptive word can lead to
> a theme that is gently tangible throughout the range of entries, no
> matter how diverse their subjects or treatment.
> Of course, this is just me. People have clearly enjoyed it and have
> come up with some stunning work. My hat is off to you all!
> (This Spring I'll be teaching a bunch of BA Digital Media Production
> students about the joys and challenges of panorama photography for
> the term. Perhaps, to make up for this bit of gentle griping, I can
> get them to join the WWP and contribute to that event. It would be
> rather interesting to see their theme interpretations - and very good
> for them to get feedback from such an experienced crowd! :-)
> k
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