Re: Sustenance - on line.
Bernhard Vogl 2007-Oct-09 10:28:00
> If you have suggestions for future themes, please look through and
> add to our database:
> http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/wwp/database?method=reportRows&tb...
Maybe this time's theme was a little too metaphoric for the non-native speakers? Too aloof and spiced with an philological attitude...? :-)
About the database:
I know, nobody asked me (and it is not meant to sound un-thankful to Don, Landis and all the others involved in the creation of the WWP event), but i'd like to propose a public vote for the next themed event - based on the suggestion list. This could add additional eagerness towards the event and a democratic worldwide experiment...
Best regards
P.S.: The database is suuuper. So many simple, but challenging themes: Beauty, Begin, Custom, Decadence, Legends, Survive, Time ...