Re: MultiMap
Landis 2004-Oct-05 16:58:00
I was also wondering about being too precise with our coordinates.
For one thing there's the problem that Tudor describes. Another is
for the people who don't take a GPS with them and/or don't provide
coordinates at all. I'm going to get coordinates from a map for a
city or town location and I know we won't have the accuracy to a
Would everyone be okay with me introducing purposeful error into this
by dropping the seconds? The minute accuracy is still +/- 1 nautical
mile and pretty darn close.
For the global map it won't matter, it is just giving an idea of what
part of the world. I'm guessing MultiMap might give fairly detailed
info on the address and this may not always be accurate or desireable.
Any other thoughts on this?
>Hi Landis,
>Love the idea but a bit of a problem for me. I shot someone's
>private garden and they are not too hot on the idea (they didn't
>know I provided coords). I like the idea of having approx coords to
>get a global sense of where the place is.
>Perhaps I can give slightly different coords - but this then
>incorportates a deliberate error. An acceptable solution from my end
>would be by rounding my coords to the nearest minute rather than
>second - would this be a good solution for you?
>Sorry for the fuss