Re: MultiMap
Ken Stuart 2004-Oct-05 22:07:00
At 12:08 PM 10/5/2004, you wrote:
>Landis, I think dropping the seconds is a great idea.
>I must say that the reason I sent no coordinates was because I was scared off
>by the GPS-grade precision of all this. Having just invested in a better
>camera as a result of my pano's shortcomings in picture quality, I don't
>want to
>spend another $200 for a GPS just so I can tell you the precise coordinates.
Hi Brooks,
Like you, I do not own a GPS receiver but found that not to be an obstacle
for including latitude and longitude. There are web sites such as
Terraserver (http://terraserver.microsoft.com/) that allow you to point and
click on satellite photos until you reach the level where you can determine
the coordinates for your pano shooting location. You may need to estimate
the seconds from the closest minutes grid lines if you want to be as
precise as you can, however you could just go with minutes if you have
privacy concerns.
Here is the direct link for the Terraserver view of Cannery Row (which you
can find by typing in Cannery Row in the search box, then zooming down):
(I've clicked the Info button to show the grid lines and coordinates along
the edges.)
Other sites:
<http://www.multimap.com>www.multimap.com (comprehensive) here's Cannery
Perhaps Landis could put links to these sites on the next WWP instruction
page/form so that they're easier to find for folks like us who don't have
GPS receivers. The references were sent out in an email message at some
point, but having them linked from the WWP page would be helpful. :-)
>So, here are approximate coordinates of my Cannery Row picture:
>36.37 N, 121.55 W
>Great project, great experience. Bravo to all!