Re: Panoramas and Google Earth
Bjørn K Nilssen 2007-Feb-19 22:10:00
On 19 Feb 2007 at 22:33, Paco wrote:
> Yes, you can make a external kmz file and put in your site, and if it
> includes GE icons (as you has made) or his own, they are shown in GE when
> you double click your link.
> But if you publish the same kmz file in GE Community, normally in the next
> 4-6 weeks your placemarks are included directly in GE (but with a standard
> icon 'i'). Then, people walking directly on GE can reach your placemarks (if
> they have GE Community layer activated) and could visit your web site.
> Samples of this are WWP placemarks, or my sample
> http://www.panorama360.es/valencia/Valencia.kmz Now if you open this link
> you will see my placemarks and icons, but if you hide your temporal places
> layer in GE you will see in the same position the permanent placemarks now
> directly in GE.
Thanks for that info.
Maybe it would be easier to get GE (Community) to allow personal/custom icons?
GE is fantastic program, but it is still a bit rough around the edges...--
Bj?rn K Nilssen - http://www.bknilssen.no - panoramas and 3D