Re: Canon 70-300mm or Sigma 70-300mm zoom lens
Hans Nyberg 2007-Mar-14 10:35:00
On Mar 14, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Joel M. Baldwin wrote:
> My mistake. I didn't realize Sigma had two 'Digital' lens lines.
> Although I have to wonder what 'Designed to suite the special
> characteristics of digital cameras.' means on a full frame lens.
> Marketing hype over the use of the magic word 'DIGITAL'? How is
> it different from their other FF lenses?
Digital sensors are different than film and much more sensible to for
example CA.
So better coatings etc. is needed for same quality.
> Why would you want to use a vignette producing lens? I would think
> a DC or EFS lens would be useless on a 5D.
> ( yes it would produce an image )
> Or are you using them to produce panos where you just set the crop
> circle
I do not use it on the 5D but I just tell you that the ones from
Sigma will work contrary to the similar Canon and Nikkor which you
can not at all mount on the fullframe cameras or not even on all
small sensor cameras.
For example the Canon 18-55mm I got with my 20D can not be mounted on
my 10D.
Regarding quality the Sigma lenses have better quality than the same
price Canons.
The cheap Canon lenses are really crappy and feels like toys
compared to the Sigma.
Hans Nyberg
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