Re: Canon 70-300mm or Sigma 70-300mm zoom lens
Hans Nyberg 2007-Mar-14 09:15:00
On Mar 14, 2007, at 6:56 AM, Joel M. Baldwin wrote:
> DG lenses: Are only for use on Digital non full frame cameras.
> The Sigmas will not work on the 5D.
Sorry that is completely wrong.
Sigma DG lenses are specially optimized for Digital and they are
fully compatible with all cameras also fullframe.
Sigma DC lenses are specially made for 1.5 or 1.6 sensors but they
will work on a 5D also.
I have the 10-20mm and it works fine on my 5D however it does give
vignetting of course.
Canon does not have anything called DG.
Their digitally optimized lenses only for small sensors are called EF-
S and they do not work on a fullframe.
Hans Nyberg
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