Where is Slovenia?
Bostjan Burger 2008-Jun-16 14:29:00
We were wery frustrated with the unpleasent happening with our work abuse in the last month time period... few days more until the next event, so let you cheer up a bit:
I shot a pano in the studio of Radio station Hit for the wwp607 event: http://geoimages.berkeley.edu/worldwidepanorama/wwp607/html/BostjanBurge..., journalists of that radio went to USA and did a research how are citisens of US familiar with that "tiny country- but at the moment (still) the head of the EU"...here are resoults: http://www.radiohit.si/si/novice/1118/.
:) Bostjan
But... citisens of US don't panic... it was similar research in Vienna (capital of Austria...that is Europe...70% of the asked people had not a clue where is Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia) and 25% with no idea where is Slovenia...
Conclusion: more popularity of WWP - more geography knowledge...
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