Re: ZKM globorama hassle
Keith Martin 2008-Jun-05 15:00:00
Sometime around 5/6/08 (at 14:36 +0000) Josh said:
>ZKM did not brake into the server by hacking it. They
>provided a possibility for the viewer of the globorama to click on the
>link to our panos. Maybe they copied files to local because of fast
>loading times. Anyway - in my opinion
There's a fundamental problem inherent in the last sentence here.
When it comes to the law, individual opinion holds as much weight as
ignorance... in other words, none at all.
There was a clear copyright notice on the site, yet panoramas were
still taken. (And no, not just linked to.) On top of this, they were
manipulated, again without permission. These are things that
copyright *law* exists to prevent and protect against.
It doesn't matter *who* does it or *why* it was done, it is
unarguably copyright theft. That is simple fact.
What you choose to do or not do now is up to you. Me, I'm waiting to
see what comes out of the conversations with ZKM that are happening
behind the scenes. I would like the final outcome to be as practical
and positive as possible for all concerned, but I want it to be dealt
with properly.