Re: ZKM globorama hassle
AYRTON 2008-Jun-06 00:00:00
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 5:03 PM, Josh <#removed#> wrote:
> Oh come on now - what is this - a campaign against me and my work?
Nooooooo !!!
Why we would want that dear Josh ?
You're such a nice guy, with brilliant ideas about photographers and
copyrights ...
> The globorama screen showed all the names (not only mine), why should
> it be an advantage for me? Because I live here? Strange conclusion. Do
> you really believe, the viewers stand there open-mouthed staring at
> the names of photographers instead of enjoying the pictures?
If not, why would you die for, to have your name and ours appearing there as
a bonus to immortality ?
> I accept, that my opinion is not shared by the ones who answered my
> post. But my opinion is definately not biased.
Of course not.
> Since 4 years I am building up a collection of now nearly 400
> roundshots, published as QTVR on my website.
All for free ???
> The tourist information site links to my panos,
for free ?
> the city hall has purchased a 640 cm wide print, etc.
Bought ????
You bad guy .... why you did not gave it for FREE as you think is a good
idea ?!?
Imagine men,
in the City Hall YOUR wonderfull photos forever .... for immortality !
What a glorious day ...
> Please come down to earth. Yes, I am a fan of the globorama
> development, but I am not your enenmy!
You probably mean THEIR enemy ...
> Cheers
> Josh
Cheers too
And btw: keep on the good work
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