World Wide Panorama mailing list archive
Sender:Yuval Levy
Date/Time:2008-May-28 03:20:00
Subject:all in one

Thread: all in one Yuval Levy 2008-May-28 03:20:00
I'm back, and I'll put all of my thoughts in one message. Apology if I 
do not address most individual comments - I do summarize from them and I 
thank everybody who contributed. We need to stay focused and I need to 
stay concise. I'll try :-)


We are a community, but we are first and foremost individuals, each 
entitled to their own decisions about their artwork. I will not try to 
convince anybody to join my course of action. I respect each and every 
one of you, whatever choice you make, and I expect you to respect my choice.


As far as I am concerned, Uri is right: I am not trying to destroy them. 
I don't like the fantasizing of multi-million dollar lawsuit and "GOOD 
compensation". If anybody does, I'm not with him.


My stated objective is to reach an out-of-court settlement in mutual 
respect and agreement. I'll consider going to court only after having 
explored all other possible venues to an agreement.


The first means is direct negotiations. Pressure means such as the media 
or the law can be prepared in the background, but before applying any 
such pressure means I want a thorough and complete reflection, because 
it is easy to pull the trigger but there is no way back. Of course I 
can't control what others do, and a media campaign or an outright law 
suit may close the door to a friendly settlement. I'll have to live with 
that uncertainty, because it is not under my control. Probably not even 
under ZKM's control: they can try to defuse the timebomb they set, but I 
am not sure if they will be able or willing to meet some of the demands 
I've read here.


There is nothing wrong with discussing strategy in the open. A winning 
strategy is one that succeeds even when the opponent knows about it; 
execution is what counts, and I intend to execute professionally.

Moreover, we have nothing to hide! If before hitting the "send" button 
you feel there is something in your message that should not be public 
knowledge, think again. You may find that there is something better you 
did not think of yet.

I have invited the people from ZKM to join this group and discuss in the 
open. So far they seem to prefer to stay out, and negotiate with 
individuals. "divide and conquer"? maybe. Not very effective in this 
situation: the theft of a single artwork from the WWP is enough to get 
them sentenced. Egoistically speaking I am happy for every artist that 
does give them permission and settles for nothing, because it means that 
there is more budget left for the settlement with those that do not 
accept to be treated like that. I am convinced that the case for 
copyright violation is rock-solid and I am ready to go to court to prove 
it, even if I have to do it alone. I am convinced that reason will 
prevail, that ZKM will negotiate, will admit to its sins, will take 
appropriate corrective actions, and maybe will also compensate the damage.


There are a lot of emotions around. That's understandable. Your rights 
have been infringed. Yes, it makes you angry! It makes me angry! But it 
is no reason to panic or become loud, and it is no reason to be nasty to 
each other.


Thanks to everybody for the bits and pieces of research that have been 
cumulated on the list. KEEP THEM COMING. Please post facts or 
hypothesis. It is not the time for jokes. Don't worry about re-posting 
things that may already be known: better have the information twice than 
not having it at all.


Each individual is entitled to her/his own opinion. I respectfully 
disagree with those that see a multi-million dollar lawsuit as next 
step, and I respectfully disagree with those who decide that this is not 
serious and give permission to ZKM to use their art. It is your opinion, 
I won't try to change it.


John Riley had the good idea to look at the server's log - if they are 
still there. The theft is likely to have happened more than a year ago.

Markus: can you tell us what logs are available on the server and if 
there is any useful information about the theft?

In principle Dave is right: our claim, during the negotiations and (if 
we have to) in court is that they stole whole WWP events. We have enough 
material to prove this claim, and the exhibition was public. Leave them 
the burden of proving a potentially lesser extent.


Dave, thanks for the initial estimates. Before doing a manual count - 
Markus, can you pull out a statistic from the server, how many entries 
per event, divided in the categories:
1. panos with full screen
2. panos without full screen
3. objectVR

I doubt they used objectVR and I doubt they used entries that did not 
have full screen.

Also, on second thoughts, those quantities are irrelevant. I'll make a 
claim of breach for my artworks, and for the artwork of those who sign 
up to the PLAN.


This is a community. If each of us would contact four people, and they 
would contact four others, we should get everybody who's still alive on 

Look on the WWP map for three people in your neighborhood. Look also for 
one person far away that you had sympathy for / contact with in the 
past. Update your contact with them. Use the phone book, google, 
whatever it takes to get back in touch with them. Invite them for a 
coffee, and at the same time tell them what is going on and to do the 
same as you do.

If we get this down to one or two levels, we should be safely covered - 
with the added benefit of renewing community bonds.


Thanks Francis Fougere for sharing your experience with copyright 
breach. We need to investigate small claims proceeds in Germany. And 
this avenue will most likely be available to Germans only, but it will 
set a precedent I am sure ZKM will want to avoid.


I'm not greedy. First I expect this thing to cost money. Lawyers don't 
work for free. Maybe, in the end, there will be some money. Will it be 
enough to cover the cost? I don't know. Will there be something left 
over? I don't know. This is not the time to speculate on how much; nor 
the time to discuss how to use it. There are plenty of opinions, and 
each artists will determine what happens with his share in due course. 
Again: I respect those that have a different ideas than me.


Caroling as usual sees beyond the obvious. There are plenty of 
opportunities here *if* we get to a negotiating table with a partner 
that actually listens and respect the artists. Carl has also mentioned 
some good points where this can turn into a win-win relationship.

With the information currently available to me on the technology I doubt 
the technical concept of the Globorama will stand comparison with 
competing technologies I have seen in the past. But again: this is not 
the time to discuss this, and I respect opinions different than mines.


So here is the plan as I see it - composite of the many good advices 
that have been shared here:

0. revoke permission if it has already been granted, or notify ZKM that 
I am aware of their theft and ask them to stop it.
1. work out a price based on the different pricing methods available out 
2. add on top of that a 400% extra for the breach
3. have a German WWP contributor send to ZKM an invoice, with that 
price, multiplied by his/her WWP contributions.
4. go through the usual process until either payment arrives or 
negotiation is started, or it is time to go to small claims court.
5.a. if payment arrives, other invoices will follow (see 6).
5.b. if serious negotiations starts on the basis of the first invoice, 
we reached the first objective: NEGOTIATIONS
5.c. if we have to go to small claims court, we'll win that one and we 
will have a precedent for other invoices to follow, though maybe the 
precedent will motivate them to negotiate.
6. for further invoices, those artists from abroad that participate in 
the plan will assign the rights to their work for Germany to a local 
representative. The local representative will have reason to send 
invoices to ZKM.


So the objective is to reach an out-of-court settlement, but what will 
be the content of that settlement? The nature of negotiations is that 
they are unpredictable, so this is just a tentative list of priorities 
at best:

1. ZKM will have to stop and revert the theft completely, take 
corrective action. I would expect a formal, written and public apology 
to all artists whose work has been denaturated, taken out of context, 
stolen. Respect is the first thing we demand.

2. This blunder of them is an opportunity to educate the general public 
about copyright law. The second thing I would demand is for them to go 
public with the story, admitting to their mistake, accounting for how 
they corrected them and with a bottom line: theft does not pay.

3. Once mutual respect is established, there may be opportunities to set 
up a partnership on a healthy, legitimate basis. After all, we are in 
very much related fields. It's too early for that, though. Currently I 
feel a lot of anger in the community at what ZKM did, and they will have 
to dissipate that anger with appropriate corrective action first.

4. Last but not least, some sort of monetary compensation for the damage.

I don't want to deliberate further - it is in the nature of negotiations 
that not everything can be predicted, but my priorities are those listed 

To achieve them, I intend to work together with the "panel" of people 
proposed. Willy, Carl, Hans, Milko, Caroling - if they want to work with me.

To this purpose I have set up a Google Group at


Please join only if you
* subscribe to the above PLAN
* agree with the NEGOTIATION priorities
* accept the principles stated above, in particular the principle that 
each individual artist is entitled to decide upon her/his artwork

Unless you have already done so, upon joining you will be asked to:
* revoke ZKM's permission to use your arts if such permission was 
already granted
* notify ZKM that you are aware of the theft, ask them to stop it and 
reserve yourself the right for legal action
* agree that as long as you are a member of the group you do not 
negotiate separately or through other avenues with ZKM. You can always 
quit the group, but doing the two things at the same time would be 

I intend this to be my last message on the topic here on the WWP main 
list. I may give an update from time to time, but I do not want people 
to have the impression that I am trying to persuade them to join me. No 

May reason and justice prevail.



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