Circular fisheye 360 question
Lew Wurdeman 2008-Jun-20 05:17:00
I hope this isn't too mundane for this group but I am stymied.
I shoot virtual tours and have a variety of camera and lens
combinations but this questions is specific to one setup
I have a Nikon 8700 that I shoot with a 0-360 lens. I can take one
shot but to avoid blown out windows I can shoot a set of 5 with
exposure locked and blend them with Photomatix.
I also use the same 8700 with a circular fisheye lens and I stitch
them with 3DVista Stitcher and that works fine but we have the same
blownout problem as shooting one shot with the 0-360 lens.
I was given a contract to shoot some builder model homes and my
initial shots were shot with a single exposure and then they asked
for bracketed shots. When you shoot bracketed shots you are no
longer in exposure lock mode. I am presuming then that each set of 3
bracketed shots after being blended will not be the same exposure as
the other two views (shooting 3 around).
I also noticed when I asked them for samples that they seemed to be
bracketing only down, not up. When I shoot five shots with my 0-360
lens I bracket +2, +1, 0, -1, and -2. When I shot 3 bracketed shots
with the fisheye I shot up and down one. The samples they sent me
were 0, -1 and -2 or another set was 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, and -5 and
was basically an all black shot.
They still didn't tell me how they get each bracketed set to match
the next bracketed sets.
Unfortunately the person I am interfacing with doesn't seem to
comprehend my question and is going to refer me to one of their other
photographers. In the interim I thought maybe someone here would
have an answer on how to get one set of bracketed shots to match the
next set, and whether you would shoot 0, -1, and -2 vs. +1, 0, and -1?
Lew Wurdeman
360 Minnesota