Re: YouTube Video
Bostjan Burger 2008-May-28 17:41:00
This technology was presented as a very standard educational tool at April conference SirIKT ( http://www.sirikt.si/eng/index-2008.html ). My wife Betka (also WWP member) and me were there as a lecturers, presenting VR panoramas as (another) educational tool. Within one of my presentations Betka did a VR pano of my lecture (not much listeners at that moment: http://www.burger.si/DOGODKI/2008_Sirikt/seznam.html ) but on the right side of my projection is a table which is interactive with the laserpointer (at that moment switched off). It is very cool tool and not so expensive... I believe that many Slovenian schools gave a commision for that tool - next school year will be very common school tool here. I was told by the represenative of this laser interactive projection board (also interactive whiteboard) that already many German and Austrian Schools have such an equipement for quite number of years. I saw that interactive board in the year 2003 in some grammar schools here
but I don't remembner that were interactive with the laserpointer - only with the touch of a hand - I tested it in that time when I was presenting my cave projects and the public was enthusiastic: I was moving my Cave Virtual tour only with my hands on the board - that was five years ago...
:) Bostjan
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