Re: all in one
sirflor1 2008-May-28 15:40:00
I agree with your statement.
--- In #removed#, Yuval Levy <yahoo06@...> wrote:
> AYRTON wrote:
> > I knew, I knew they would do that
> > That's why I said they wwere HERE reading and preparing themselfs to a
> > battle.
> Now you know you have to apologize, do you?
> AYRTON, seriously, you are a great photographer but in this situation if
> I was a lawyer working for you, the first advice I would have for you is
> We are trying to have a civilized discussion. Mr. Lintermann just
> entered the room, has not even had the time to introduce himself.
> I first laughed at Jeffrey's WWLM, but it now looks like a very serious
> and pertinent comment to me.
> Be aware that false allegations can also be food for lawyers. In German
> it is called Verleumundsklage IIRC. "bad mouthing". And here in Canada
> you could get sued for reputation damage. Now that would be a few
> million dollars easily.
> I'm waiting eagerly, like others, for Mr. Lintermann's statement. I
> assume he will need some time to read through the flurry of messages,
> and to understand this group. GIVE HIM TIME. The fact that he joined
> here is already a positive step in the right direction.
> Don't expect things to move fast. I am confident he has legal advice,
> like we do, and he will think carefully about his every step, like we
> SHOULD do.
> We have secured enough evidence of the copyright violation. Denying it
> would be suicidal, and ZKM / Mr. Lintermann knows that. Jumping to
> conclusions on our side is equally suicidal.
> I'll be gone until the weekend. I don't expect anything so urgent to
> happen that require immediate attention. When you get a message,
> remember to STOP. BREATH. THINK. And then decide if and how to react.
> Yuv
> Yuv