Re: Globorama
Yuval Levy 2008-May-24 01:43:00
#removed# wrote:
> Operating system:
> Linux
> see, they are used to getting stuff for free
oh no, that's a misconception, Michael. Linux is not for free. Sure you
pay not money for it, but it comes with a license attached, the General
Public License (GPL) and its rights and obligations.
The GPL says that if you improve on Linux and distribute your
improvements, you must make your code (think of it as your recipe or
your plans) available too. This is a legal obligation to enshrine the
moral obligation of giving back to the community what you have taken
from it - after all, without the community developed software you could
not have made your improvements.
the same is with images and other media. When they are in the public
domain, they are for free. when they are "all rights reserved" (as the
WWP), they are completely locked down for legal use. When they are
properly licensed, there are conditions attached such as:
"you may use my images for non-commercial endeavors, i.e. endeavors that
do not generate revenues, directly or indirectly".
Next thing you discover that they got a million EUR of government money?
sorry, that's a license infringement. renegotiate the license (i.e. a
commercial license, with compensation payment for Bostjan) or face the
the whole point is to encourage artists (or software engineers) to
create, and give value to their creations.