Globorama have their own camera technology
Bo Lorentzen 2008-May-24 16:22:00
When reading the website, there is a page about technology, explaining the
panorama screen. But more interesting, it also ?kind of? hints at how they
get the panorama content.
d=26&Itemid=51> &task=view&id=26&Itemid=51
quote from second paragraph under ?panorama screen?
?For the recording of 360?-moving imagery, the Institute specially developed
a high resolution 360?-PanoramaCamera.?
So there, since they clearly talk about ?their- camera it is definitely left
to the reader to believe that the institute is actually capable of capturing
all these fantastic (WWP) panoramas which you all have been working hard to
In my mind this is very mis-representing what they are doing.
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