Re: Globorama
Paco 2008-May-26 21:08:00
Hi Willy,
thanks for your efforts. Now it's all clear.
I am thinking about other web 2.0 projects like: flickr, panoramio,
youtube, ... ?What would be them without user content?. But in those
cases users get something: a free platform, a community, friends,
acknowledgement, etc..
But at the end, thanks to users some companys have earned a lot of
money (selling them, with advertising).
This is not the case of Globorama, that I think that is a interesting
experience, also the project has not the same size.
An Open Hand or a Closed Fist? Today open hand is more usual, but under control.
Best Regards
Paco Lorente
2008/5/26 Willy Kaemena <#removed#>:
> everyone involved owes me one 1 Euro.... ;-))
> http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/Forenfotos/ICEFirstStg_Bremen.jpg
> http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/FS/DB/DBLounge/
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csGxgKVYpDw
> Willy Kaemena
> http://homepage.mac.com/wkaemena/FSPanos/Menu268.html
> http://bremen.360cities.net/
> http://syria.360cities.net/
> http://lisbon.360cities.net/
> On May 26, 2008, at 12:35, Keith Martin wrote:
>> And THANK YOU Willy for your time and effort!
>> k
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]