Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
Richard Crowest 2006-Jul-17 18:45:00
I realised that when I sent my earlier message I hadn't fully appreciated what was being
offered here. However, now that I do, I'm afraid I'm not any more in favour.
Firstly, I didn't realise the test index page was fully functional - I thought it was just a visual!
D'oh!. However, even though there is a sample of the descriptive caption and a link to the
original page, I feel the layout rather tends to devalue each individual contribution.
More importantly, though, I feel it undermines the "event" nature of the WWP. This isn't just a
collection of nice panoramas, it's a project with a theme that we all respond to in whichever
way we feel moved to. As such, each contribution is connected to all the others and to the
whole, and isn't just a collection of content to be served up through whichever portal seems
offer the best click-through rate. Out of their context, I feel that both the panoramas and the
WWP lose something. It's a bit like people coming into an art exhibition through the fire
escape and missing out on the introduction by the curator.
Just my two penn'orth.