Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
wim.koornneef 2006-Jul-19 06:53:00
Hello Don & Forum,
It looks to me that there are 2 main questions that drive this plan:
1) How can we grow and get more attention ?
2) How can we get a safe base for Internet access ?
I think both questions are valid and it is logical that the WWP must find answers to both.
Although this plan sounds good there is one major element in it that I definitely don't like
and that is the bonding with commerce.
The WWP is a non-profit organization with a unique structure.
The WWP should avoid strongly and without any doubt any; connection, partnership, co-
hosting, or what else you name it, with commercial organizations to avoid compromising
the structure.
Contacts, OK, fine, we are all living on the same planet, but anything more then contacts
with commercial organizations more is not acceptable for me.
But I understand that both questions need answers.
I think it is best if the WWP raise funds by accepting donations or gifts from participants to
pay the bills if the Berkeley pulls out the power plug.
I think it is also the best if the WWP reaches its goals by using its own strength and give it
all the time it needs to get there. There is no need to hurry !
I am happy with the WWP as it is, of course the layout of the WWP pages could use a make
over, the search structure isn't the best, but I don't care.
I like to speak out my gratitude to the founders of the WWP for all there efforts and I hope
that they will skip this plan.
Best regards, Wim.