Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
Caroling Geary 2006-Jul-16 23:08:00
Yes, I have tried the site. I'm objecting to the first two pages of
it ( index_test, and for example:
http://www.fullscreenqtvr.com/wwp905/test/ ), not any one fullscreen.
Actually though, your statement brings up another issue. I was not
patient enough to page through every pano thumbnail to get to one of
mine. I was interested to see how they would do a thumbnail of a
vertical object movie. The thumbnails are different. I could see no
search function. It was not apparent how the panoramas were arranged,
so I had no clue where or how I might navigate to one of mine.
On Jul 16, 2006, at 5:47 PM, Hans Nyberg wrote:
> Obviously you have not tried the site.
> FullscreeenQTVR only links to each individual WWP page.
> There is no change on your pages when you see them.
Caroling Geary, www.wholeo.net