Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
Pat Swovelin 2006-Jul-16 22:06:00
Hans Nyberg wrote:
> Panoramas.dk is a part of fullscreenqtvr and has been it since the
> start almost 2 years ago.
> Today our fullscreenQTVR frontend for my Moon page is in Digg resulting
> in several thousands visitors.
> http://www.fullscreenqtvr.com/moon/
That's just my point doesn't that pull traffic away from your site and
reduce any ad revenue you might get (not that the WWP has or should have
ads)? And more to the point might not people identify fullscreenQTVR
with your work instead of panoramas.dk (this is what scares me with the
> Hans
Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large