Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
Pat Swovelin 2006-Jul-17 20:49:00
Jim Watters wrote:
> When I first read this offer I thought it was a great idea. The more I
> read what others
> are saying about it, I am not sure.
> Increased linking to WWPano would benefit SE rating.
> It will be impossible to get permission from everyone to allow this.
> If it does happen
> then it will be without everyone?s permission. This set a precedence.
> Other less
> flattering sites might try a similar thing.
> I would rather they only linked to the main page and the event pages.
> Not to the
> individual panoramas.
Linking to the individual fullscreen panos takes them, *all* of them,
out of context with that individual's work (i.e., *all* of the capture
information and descriptive text) for that particular panorama. If we're
going to allow this then what's the point in carefully crafting the
descriptive text if it's not going to be seen by anyone who's coming
through the back door. fullscreenQTVR is positioning itself to be the
main gateway to the WWP, so all of this work will be for naught. Not to
mention that it takes the pano out of the context of the event it was in
and presents it by itself breaking the chain it exists in with all of
the other panos in that particular event. Doing that is like pulling the
page out of a book and saying "Isn't this a great picture?" (it is a
great picture but it's now *completely* out of context with the story
the book is presenting).
Page hits be damned, I can't possibly see how this can be a good idea.
> If there is something in page format they have that is attractive then
> we can discuss
> incorporating it into WWPano site.
Pat Swovelin
Cool Guy @ Large