Re: new promotional possibility - Fullscreen QTVR site
Norman Peters 2006-Jul-18 03:59:00
Hi - Just my 2 cents worth.
One of the reasons I like contributing to the WWP is the simply
brilliant feeling of worth that the project has by virtue of the
merit that the host domain "berkeley.edu" provides. As long as the
images stay where they are, the copyright ownership isn't compromised
and the general community gestalt that the WWP currently has remains,
then I don't really mind as long as its only a link with no other
hidden drawbacks or gotchas yet to emerge to bite the project.
What I am very mindful of is a potential descent of the WWP community
and in particular the list down into the same disasterous space where
the Panotools list has recently been. I think personal attacks while
arguing a point of view demeans the group as a whole, and could well
be a portent of disaster to come. Personal attacks are below the high
standards that the photography sets by simply speaking for itself,
and demean the community.
Stay professional! My work may not yet be of the same technical
standard as others, but I am learning volumes with every shoot we
undertake, and I for one don't want to see this incredibly valuable
resource dry up tcaused by squabbles between contributors.
Norman, Canberra, Australia